A group of about 25 people is posing and smiling in an office setting. They are standing and sitting in front of a banner that reads "Hawaii Information Portal." The group is diverse, and some are wearing Hawaiian shirts. The room has a bright and welcoming atmosphere.

Hawai‘i must sustain its technology momentum

“By taking quick action to appoint a new state chief information officer (CIO), Gov. David Ige demonstrated a strong appreciation for having capable leadership in place to continue momentum set by previous CIOs. Expediting this appointment was critical not only to maintaining progress in implementing systems but also for assessing how well those systems are being used and planning for Hawaii’s ever-evolving technological future ...”

Read about the governor’s nominee for CIO, Douglas Murdock, in this story originally published Jan. 11 in Honolulu Civil Beat.

In the photo above, Gov. David Ige visited the Enterprise Payroll Modernization project office last August to congratulate the team on a successful rollout and offer words of encouragement as they worked toward the next phase of the project, which was completed last month. New state Chief Information Officer Douglas Murdock (far right) was instrumental in the project’s success even before being nominated for his new role.